"How to Plant a Seedling" YouTube video
ReLeaf Michigan staff takes you step by step through planting a seedling. Learn from watching our team at work! How to Plant an Oak Seedling (PDF) ReLeaf Michigan's how-to guide for planting an oak seedling with the best chance of it remaining healthy into adulthood. While this was created for planting oak seedlings, most of the steps can be applied to a variety of tree types. |
"I Like That Tree, is it Right for Me?"
Garden writer and instructor Janet Macunovich and horticultural photographer Steven Nikkila give you tips on how to pick the right tree for your site and purpose. They will also cover why the fall is the perfect time to plant or plan for the spring. Join us to see a great line-up of trees and how to pick the ones that will not only brighten your fall but thrive on your site. Whether you plant for yourself or hire a tree-planting crew, they provide essential information on how and what to look for to make sure it is done correctly. [Video Recording] |
"Proper Tree Planting in the Urban Forest"
Gary Eichen, Certified Arborist and Assistant Service Line Director for Plant Health Care and Lawn Care for SavATree LLC, walks you through how to best plant trees in the urban forest. He discusses the necessary steps you need to take from the beginning to ensure your investment survives. Listen to learn where to start, what to ask for when going out for bids, what to look out for, and when to realize if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. [Video Recording] |
"Risk of Wildfire and Michigan's Wildland-Urban Interface"
Dan Laux, the Michigan DNR's State Wildland Fire Supervisor, talks about the risk of wildfire in Michigan's wildland-urban interface (WUI). Wildfire is an integral component of many Michigan landscapes. However, as communities expand into what was once wilderness, loss of property and life becomes an imminent threat. Learn what you can do to maintain a Firewise home landscape and how you can prepare for the unexpected. [Video Recording] |
"Insects & Diseases that Homeowners Often Miss"
Gary Eichen, Plant Health Care and Lawn Manager with SavATree in Troy, talks about insects and diseases that homeowners often miss! Sometimes what appears to be a minor issue can actually be the beginning of a lethal pathogen or insect infestation. Recognizing problems in the landscape, and early detection is critical in helping Trees/Shrubs survive in the Urban Forest. Learn key indicators and what action you can take to protect your trees and shrubs. |
"Urban Forests, Society and Climate Change"
Learn how an essential forest landscape is both a tool and liability. Presentation led by Lauren T. Cooper, who directs the Forest Carbon and Climate Program for Michigan State University Forestry Department and has experience in forest carbon project development, urban planning, policy analysis, and wood utilization linkages to sustainability. Lauren is currently co-chairing the Natural and Working Lands work group of the Governor’s Council on Climate Solutions. [Video Recording] |
"Healthy Trees Create Healthy Communities"
Trees provide a natural dose of preventative medicine. New research shows that the closer you live to trees, the better off you are. Hear the latest research on how trees impact our health in measurable ways. Led by ReLeaf Michigan executive director, Melinda Jones, who is joined by Tom Spring, wellness director of Priority Health. Sponsored by Priority Health and the Michigan DNR Urban and Community Forestry Grant. [Video Recording] |
"Planning for Community Trees: Canopy Assessments, Management Plans, Ordinances and Master Plans."
Michigan communities have adopted canopy goals, tree planting objectives or expressed a desire to expand urban and community forests. Learn what tools you need to develop local strategies that best meet community objectives. Led by Lee Mueller, market manager with Davey Resource Group. [Video Recording] |
"Establishing Trees Where People Are: Tips for Municipal Planting"
Learn how to select, bid and properly plant trees in your municipality to maximize return on your investment. Presentation led by Kay Sicheneder, chief consulting arborist for Owen Tree Service. [Video Recording] |
"Tree Risk: It's Real and Requires Assessment"
Are your trees at risk? As essential as trees are to our well being, they can also injure people and property. Proper maintenance and inspection and critical. Find out how to assess the health of your trees. Led by Kay Sicheneder, consulting arborist. [Video Recording] |
"Healthy Trees in the Home Landscape"
What are good and bad trees, and why you should choose one over another? This class explains micro-climate environmental conditions and discusses oak wilt, a devastating disease to oak trees. Learn how to recognize it and what you can do to help prevent it. Led by Gary Eichen, the Plant Health Care and Lawn Manager at SavATree in Troy and a Certified Arborist with over 30 years of experience in Plant Health Care and Lawn Care. [Video Recording] [Slides] |
"Michigan Natives in the Landscapes"
Many people are surprised to learn how many plants (trees, shrubs, flowers) already in our gardens and yards are native to Michigan, and how many more there are that can add beauty and other endearing qualities. Discussion will include what makes a tree 'native' and when they are best used or when a nonnative would better suit the goal. Garden writer and instructor Janet Macunovich and horticultural photographer Steven Nikkila will give you tips for making the most of native plants' best qualities: lower maintenance, less disease and pest problems and more wildlife. [Video Recording] |
"What's Up with My Tree?"
Kay Sicheneder, chief consulting arborist and plant health care manager for Owen Tree Service, will discuss the most imminent threats facing our trees in Michigan. Presentation includes identification and mitigation measures to ensure the long-term health and vitality of Michigan's trees." [Video Recording] |